


Röntgenstrasse 12

73431 AALEN

PHONE +49 (0)7361 94 90-0

FAX +49 (0)7361 94 90-90

Privacy policy

1. Data controller and general principles

We, ISO-Chemie GmbH, Röntgenstr. 12, 73431 Aalen, Germany, are the data controller with responsibility for the processing of your personal data as defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As the operator of the website at “www.iso-chemie.eu” (also called “Website” below), the “portal.iso-chemie.eu” (also called “ISO-PORTAL” and “Online Shop” below) and the “ISO App” (also called “App” below), ISO-Chemie GmbH is responsible for the data of the user (“You”) of the website, ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop and App.

Your trust and the protection of your privacy are of particular concern to us. We therefore take the protection and security of your personal data very seriously. Your personal data is only collected, processed and used in accordance with the data protection provisions, particularly the rules of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Teleservices Act (TMG).

To fulfil our duty to inform, we provide You with detailed information below concerning which data is collected from contact with our Service team, direct marketing activities and when You visit our website, ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop or App and make use of the service and offers provided there and concerning how this data is subsequently processed or used by us. We would also like to inform You about the associated technical and organisational measures we have taken to protect your data.


2. Collection and use of your personal data

Personal data means all personal and factual details about an identified or identifiable natural person. Your personal data thus includes all data that can be assigned to You, such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address.

We collect and process your personal data to enable You to use the offer on our website, ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop or App and to take up our services and offers.

We collect and process your personal data in the following circumstances (not an exhaustive list):

  • When You contact us directly, e.g. via our website, ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop or App, and are interested in our products or services, for example, or have a different query.
  • When You buy products from us
  • When You buy services from us
  • When You make your data available to us to attend a course, training, presentation or other event
  • When You request information about our products and services
  • When You respond to our direct marketing activities (e.g. complete a reply postcard or return fax form or when You provide your data online at our website, ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop or App)
  • When third parties and partner companies make personal data about You available to us in a permitted manner.
  • When you participate in promotional campaigns or prize draws.

We only collect, process and use personal data if and to the extent that You have voluntarily made the relevant data available to us for the specific data collection or use, a statutory regulation permits the specific data collection and/or use or You have previously expressly consented to the specific data collection and/or use.

The type and extent of the collection and use of your data will differ according to whether You visit our website, ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop or App simply to look up information or to take up services that we offer.

We save all the information that You provide when You enter it on our website, ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop or App. It is saved on servers in a country in the European Union. Your data will only be accessed by the offices within our company that are responsible for processing your enquiries and requests. We will not sell, lease or otherwise make your data available to third parties for external use. For the purposes of creating your ift-Montagepass (installation pass), personal data is transferred to ift Rosenheim GmbH, Theodor-Gietl-Str. 7-9, 83026 Rosenheim, as described under point 2b. Your personal data will not be passed on to government bodies and authorities except in order to comply with mandatory national statutory requirements as defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We require our employees to maintain the strictest non-disclosure and confidentiality.


a) Using our website for information

When You use our website purely for information, You do not have to provide any personal data.

We only collect and use the data that your Internet browser automatically transfers, such as the IP address of the enquiring computer, type, language and version and operating system of the Internet browser You use, the pages viewed, date and time of the visit to our website, time difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), volume of data transferred and access status/HTTP status code.

When You visit for information, we collect and use this data exclusively in anonymised form to allow You to visit our website, for statistical purposes and to improve our Internet presence. The last octet (partial segment) of your IP address is removed. This data is not linked to personal data of an identified natural person. We only store your IP address temporarily for the duration of your visit.

In general, no personal data is needed in order to use our website and ISO-PORTAL. It is only when You want to make contact with us that we will need certain personal data.

  • Contact form to allow us to respond to your questions about products, news, wishes and suggestions
    • Mandatory information: Personal contact with first name, surname and e-mail address
    • Optional information: Company, road, town and postcode, telephone and fax number
  • Appointment form for scheduling a visit
    • Mandatory information: Company name, personal contact with first name, surname, town and postcode, country, telephone number, e-mail address and your request
    • Optional information: Preferred date
  • Call-back service form so we can call You back and answer your questions about our products
    • Mandatory information: First name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address and topic
    • Optional information: Company name, town and postcode, country
  • Sample request form for product presentation
    • Mandatory information: Company, contact, road, town and postcode, telephone, e-mail address
    • Optional information: Fax number
  • Free mailing voucher form for sending by post
    • Mandatory information: Surname, first name, road, town and postcode
    • Optional information: Company, e-mail address


b) Use of offers in the ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop and App

If You wish to use the services offered in our ISO-PORTAL, Online Shop or App, You will need to provide your personal data for this purpose. Individually, we collect and use your personal data for the following purposes:

Customer account:

When You set up your personal customer account, we ask You to provide various data (such as your e-mail address) during the registration process. This includes the company’s name and address, your name, your position within the company, telephone and fax number and your e-mail address. This data is used initially to enable and then to manage your customer account and to provide the associated functions, such as processing your customer data and displaying your orders.


We only collect, process and use the personal data that we need to fulfil and dispatch your order in our Online Shop or App and, where necessary, to process returns. During the order process, we therefore collect, process and use the necessary information (such as your name, address, e-mail address, payment information such as bank details, and delivery details such as delivery addresses and other information).

ift Installation Pass:

For the purposes of creating your ift-Montagepass (Installation Pass), the name of the natural person who submitted the order/enquiry is transferred to ift Rosenheim GmbH, Theodor-Gietl-Str. 7-9, 83026 Rosenheim, in addition to your company and order data. This data is needed to create your ift Installation Pass and will only be used for this purpose. You may withdraw your consent to pass on the data at any time as described under point 8.


c) Contact:

When You contact us via the contact form, by e-mail, in writing or in another way to request information about our products, for example, we collect, process and use the contact data You have provided to answer your query.

In general, no personal data is needed in order to use our website, ISO-PORTAL and App. It is only when You want to make contact with us that we will need certain personal data.

  • Contact form to allow us to respond to your questions about products, news, wishes and suggestions
    • Mandatory information: Personal contact with first name, surname and e-mail address
    • Optional information: Company, road, town and postcode, telephone and fax number
  • ISO-TOP WINFRAMER STATIC TOOL for preliminary structural analyses
    • Mandatory information: Date of entry, construction project, principal, road, town and postcode, company, author, road, town and postcode

Viewing and modifying your personal data

You can access and modify the following data at our ISO-PORTAL (go to MY ACCOUNT » SETTINGS) or in our App (go to “SETTINGS”):

  • Personal data - here You can view and modify your personal data (e.g. company, first name, surname, etc.) and unsubscribe from our newsletter.
  • Change password - here You can enter a new password that meets our password criteria.


3. Cookies

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are tiny text files that are sent to your browser when You visit our website. They are stored on your computer by your browser for future visits.

We use “session cookies” (also known as temporary cookies); these are stored temporarily only for the duration of your visit to our website. We use these cookies so that You can use the shopping cart, for example, across multiple pages. These session cookies are generally deleted automatically when You end your visit and exit the Internet browser You were using.

We also use persistent cookies which “persist” beyond the current visit; they are deleted after a set period has elapsed. We use persistent cookies so that we know who You are beyond your current browser session. These cookies store your settings so that our website remembers You on your next visit, which makes it more user-friendly for You.

We do not collect or store personal data in cookies in this context. We also do not use any techniques that link information obtained by cookies with user data.

You can change the settings in your browser to determine whether cookies can be set and accessed. In your browser, You can deactivate the storage of cookies entirely, restrict it to certain websites or configure your browser so that it automatically notifies You when a cookie needs to be set and asks You to confirm that it can be done. However, for technical reasons, if you want to use all the functions on our website, You will need to permit the use of session cookies.


4. Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies” - text files which are stored on your computer and are used to analyse your use of the website. The information about your use of this website (including your IP address) generated by the cookie is generally sent to a Google server in USA and stored there. If IP anonymization is activated on this website, Google will, however, first shorten your IP address within Member States of the European Union or in other signatory countries of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional circumstances will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. Google uses this information on our behalf to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities and to provide further services connected with website and Internet usage for the website operator.

The IP address sent by your Internet browser in association with Google Analytics is not combined with other data from Google.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly, but we would like to point out that such settings may prevent You making full use of all the functions of this website.

Please note that Google Analytics is used on this website with the extension “_anonymizeIp()” and your IP address is thus always further processed in its shortened form to exclude the possibility of establishing a direct link to a specific person.

You can also, at any time, prevent any future recording at Google of data relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) that is generated by the cookie and any processing of this data by Google. To do this, download and install the browser plug-in available at the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.


5. Sentry

Our website uses Sentry, a utility from Functional Software Inc., 1 Baker Street, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA (“Sentry”) which is used to automatically report programming bugs and so improve the technical stability of our web presence. The data is used exclusively to make technical improvements and develop the user experience of our web presence.

For further information about the collection and use of data by Sentry, your rights in this respect and the options for changing settings to protect your privacy, please read the Sentry privacy notices on their website (https://sentry.io/privacy/).


6. Hotjar

On this website, we use Hotjar from Hotjar Limited (Level 2, St Julian’s Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian’s STJ 1000, Malta) to statistically analyse the data concerning visitors to our website.

The Hotjar service allows us to anonymously record, store and analyse user behaviour (e.g. mouse movements, clicks, scroll height, how long they stay, etc.) and feedback for randomly selected visitors to our website.

Certain visitor information is also analysed for statistical purposes. This includes data concerning the browser, operating system, inward and outward links, geographical origin and the type and resolution of the device.

A tracking code is integrated on our website for this purpose; this contacts the Hotjar server and sends a script to the device that the visitor uses to access our website. This script records the interactions that take place on our website and sends these back to the Hotjar server for processing.

For more details about the privacy policy and data processing by Hotjar, go to: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy


7. Newsletter

ISO-Chemie GmbH uses the “SuperMailer” program from Mirko Böer, Malachitstraße 16, 04319 Leipzig, Germany to send out marketing e-mails/newsletters (www.supermailer.de).

“SuperMailer” is a service that can be used to organise and analyse the sending out of newsletters. The e-mail addresses that we obtain from You with your consent to send out e-mail advertising are stored on servers in Germany and Ireland.

“SuperMailer” also allows us to analyse and evaluate all marketing e-mails/newsletters that we send out. This provides us with an overview of which mailings were opened and which hyperlinks in them were clicked, thus enabling us to tailor future marketing e-mails more precisely to the interests of the specific target group. Click here for information about all the functions of Supermailer: http://www.supermailer.de/about-newsletter-software.htm.

If you do not consent to analysis of the data for statistical evaluation purposes, you must unsubscribe from our newsletter.

If you do not wish to receive marketing e-mails from us, you can unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to unsubscribe@iso-chemie.de.

You will find more information about the “SuperMailer” privacy policy at: https://www.superscripte.de/register/html/datenschutz.htm


8. YouTube

ISO-Chemie GmbH uses the technical platform and services of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Bar Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (https://www.youtube.com) to make video content available. ISO-Chemie GmbH is unable to influence the data that is collected and how it is further used by the social networks. ISO-Chemie GmbH also has no effective means of control in this respect. Information on the data that the company YouTube/Google processes and for what purposes it is used can be found in the YouTube or Google privacy policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de&gl=de.


9. Social media presences

ISO-Chemie GmbH has publically accessible profiles on social networks. We have listed the individual social networks that we use below for You. Social networks are generally able to comprehensively analyse browsing behaviour when their websites are visited.

If you are logged into your social media account and visit our social media presence, the operator of the social media portal can allocate this visit to your user account. Under certain circumstances, your personal data can also be recorded even if You are not logged in or do not have an account on the specific social media portal. In this case, the data will be recorded, for example, using cookies which are stored on your mobile device or by recording your IP address.

Using the data recorded in this way allows the operators of social media portals to create user profiles that contain your preferences and interests. In this way, You can be shown targeted advertising within and outside the specific social media presence. If you have an account with the specific social network, the targeted advertising may be displayed on all devices on which you are or have been logged in.

Please also note that we are not able to track all processing methods on the social media portals. Depending on the provider, it may therefore be necessary for further processing methods to be used by operators of social media portals. You will find details in this respect in the terms of service and privacy policy of the specific social media portals. We have listed the appropriate links in the statements concerning the specific providers below.

We are unable to influence the retention period for which your data is stored by the operators of social networks for their own purposes. For details of this, please contact the operators of the social networks directly (e.g. as shown in their privacy policy, see below).



All functions in the Instagram social media network are operated by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, Merrion Road, Dublin 4, D04 X2K5, Ireland. If you are logged into Instagram with your own profile and call up the ISO-Chemie GmbH social media channel, Instagram/Meta can allocate your visit to your logged in profile.

ISO-Chemie GmbH states that it has no influence over the content, scope of use or the data that is collected by Instagram/Meta. For further information in this respect, ISO-Chemie GmbH refers to the privacy policy of Instagram/Meta: https://privacycenter.instagram.com/policy/?entry_point=ig_help_center_data_policy_redirect



We have a profile on YouTube. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Bar Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (https://www.youtube.com). ISO-Chemie GmbH is unable to influence the data that is collected and how it is further used by social networks. ISO-Chemie GmbH also has no effective means of control in this respect. Information on the data that the company YouTube/Google processes and for what purposes it is used can be found in the YouTube or Google privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de&gl=de



ISO-Chemie GmbH uses the technical platform and services of LinkedIn, LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland (https://www.linkedin.com) to provide information and advice. ISO-Chemie GmbH has no influence over the content and scope of use of the data that is collected by LinkedIn. For further information in this respect, ISO-Chemie GmbH refers to the privacy policy of LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy



ISO-Chemie GmbH uses the technical platform and services of Xing, New Work SE, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg (https://www.xing.com) to provide information and advice. ISO-Chemie GmbH has no influence over the content and scope of use of the data that is collected by Xing. For further information in this respect, ISO-Chemie GmbH refers to the privacy policy of Xing: https://privacy.xing.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung


10. Video conferences, online meetings and webinars

We use the “3CX WebMeeting” tool to run video conferences, online meetings and webinars. “3CX WebMeeting” is a service of the provider 3CX (3CX GmbH, Walter-Gieseking-Straße 22, 30519 Hannover, Germany). All the servers are located in Germany and the data is also processed in Germany.

Only the personal data that is necessary to technically implement the online meeting is processed. You must enable or activate the camera, microphone and screen transmission yourself. This data is generally deactivated by us at webinars.

The following data is processed: Name (You can enter this yourself before You enter the online meeting), your e-mail address, video and audio data and split screen content or uploaded presentation files. We also only collect and use the data that your Internet browser automatically transfers, such as the IP address of the enquiring computer, type, language and version and operating system of the Internet browser You use, the pages viewed, date and time of the visit to our website, time difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), volume of data transferred and access status/HTTP status code.

For further information, ISO-Chemie GmbH refers to the privacy policy of 3CX: https://www.3cx.com/company/privacy/


11. Third party content

Our website incorporates third party content, such as map materials from Google Maps. This requires the suppliers of such content to be able to detect the user’s IP address in order to send the content to the user’s browser. We take every effort to use only content whose suppliers use the IP address solely to deliver their content. However we are unable to prevent suppliers from storing the IP address for statistical purposes, for example.


12. Data security

We employ technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data that is provided or collected, particularly against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or attack by unauthorised persons. Our security measures are continuously improved to take account of technological developments.

Our website uses SSL encryption to prevent access by third parties. You can identify a secure transfer by the “https://” protocol designation and by the reference to a trusted certificate on the URL line.


13. Your rights

If You have any questions concerning our use of your personal data, please contact us in writing, if possible enclosing a copy of your identity card; either write to ISO-Chemie GmbH, Röntgenstr. 12, 73431 Aalen, or send an e-mail to portal@iso-chemie.de, Germany.

You can also contact the responsible data protection officer. You will find the contact details under Data Protection contacts.

As the individual person affected by the processing of your data, You can also assert certain rights against us in accordance with the GDPR and other applicable data protection provisions. The next section explains your rights as an individual under the GDPR. Depending on the type and scope of your enquiry, please send this to us in writing.

Rights of individuals

According to the GDPR, You have the following rights as an individual against ISO-Chemie GmbH:

The right to be informed (Art. 15 GDPR):

You can ask us for information about the data we keep about You at any time. This information relates to the categories of data that we process, the purposes for which we process this data, the origin of the data if we have not obtained it directly from You and, where applicable, the recipients to whom we have sent your data. You can obtain a copy of your data from us free of charge. If You would like further copies, we reserve the right to invoice You for the further copies.

The right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR):

You can ask us to correct your data. We will take reasonable measures to ensure that the data we hold about You and which we process on an ongoing basis is correct, complete and current, based on the latest information that is available to us.

The right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR):

You can ask us to erase your data if the statutory requirements for erasure are fulfilled. This may be the case under Art. 17 GDPR if:

  • the data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • You withdraw your consent that was the basis for the data processing and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
  • You raise your objection to the processing of your data and there are no overriding justified reasons for the processing or if You object to the data processing for direct marketing purposes;
  • the data was being processed unlawfully;
  • the processing is not needed in order to fulfil a statutory obligation that requires us to process your data; particularly with respect to statutory retention periods; in order to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

The right to restrict processing (Art. 18 GDPR):

You can ask us to restrict the processing of your data if:

  • You dispute that the data is correct; in this case the restriction applies for the time we need to check whether the data is correct;
  • the processing is unlawful and You refuse the erasure of your data and request restriction of use instead;
  • we no longer need your data, but You need it in order to assert, exercise or defend legal claims;
  • You have objected to the processing and until it has been determined whether our justified reasons outweigh yours.

The right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR):

If it is technically possible to do so, we will, upon request, transfer your data to another data controller. You may only exercise this right, however, if the data processing is dependent upon your consent or if it is needed in order to implement a contract. Rather than receiving a copy of your data, You can also ask us to send the data directly to another data controller as specified by You.

The right to object (Art. 21 GDPR):

You can at any time object to the processing of your data for reasons that arise from your particular situation, provided that the data processing is based upon your consent or upon our justified interests or those of a third party. In this case, we shall no longer process your data. The latter case will not apply if we are able to demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons for the processing that override your interests or that we need your data to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

Periods for fulfilling individual rights

We endeavour to respond to all requests within 30 days. It may however occasionally be necessary to extend this period for reasons associated with the specific individual right or the complexity of your request.

Restriction of information when fulfilling individual rights

In certain situations legal requirements may prevent us from providing You with information about all of your data. In such a case, if we have to refuse your information request, we will also inform You of the reasons for refusal.

Complaint to supervisory authorities

ISO-Chemie GmbH takes your concerns and rights very seriously. However, if You feel that we have not handled your complaints or concerns adequately, You have the right to lodge a complaint with a responsible data protection authority.


14. Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time with future effect. A current version is always available on our website. Please visit the website regularly to find out about our current privacy policy.


Version dated: 01/10/2024

Your contact for data protection matters

Your contact for data protection matters



Data protection officer

Röntgenstrasse 12

73431 AALEN


Phone +49 (0)7361 94 90-9846


Mail to  DSB@iso-chemie.de


Version dated: 25.05.2018